My PAL Award winners traveled to West Hartford with me today for an interview at NBC Connecticut with Yvonne Nava.  The emphasis was toys and games for learning language. I had a great time sharing some of my winners:

  1. Buzz Blast by Discovery Bay Toys
  2. uKloo Early Reader Treasure Hunt Game by uKloo
  3. Zylie the Bear by Arete LLC
  4. My Animal Farm by Rhubbabu
  5. Memory Match and Tic Tac Toe by I Built It Games
  6. Richard Scarry’s Busytown Busy Busy Airport Game by I Can Do That! Games
  7. Secret Agent Headquarters with Alarm System by Playmobil
  8. Wooden Whimsey Blocks by Alex Toys

It was fascinating to watch a live broadcast in the making and everyone is just as nice in person as they appear to be on TV. Stay tuned, I will be getting the link up soon on my website!