Bandita Memory Mix UpFamilies who are looking for games to play with their preschoolers and older siblings have found just that with Bandit’s Memory Mix Up. Bandit is a sneaky raccoon who loves to play games with us, snatching things from the garden so we can figure out what’s missing. Peaceable Kingdom/MindWare always knows how to make learning fun and the big Spy Glass is the star of this game. Select a number of garden items from the 50 tokens from a watering can, skunk and worm to a bunny, green pepper or cricket and place them in your Spy Glass face up. The number of tokens to display depends on the player’s age from 3-10 years. Work hard to memorize the items, flip over the Spy Glass and slide one token out, Now show the items face up again and be the first player to realize what is missing. Players exercise visual memory, fine motor, visual discrimination and language skills as they name and discuss the pictures on the tokens, sometimes making associations to remember them. This Bandit had us stumped a few times but he was awfully fun to play with.

Available at MindWare.  Click here