My little friend spied the “Cuddly Kitten” carrier on top of some toys and said, “Awww, cute! ” I want THAT one.” So our little project had begun. She lifted out the soft plush kitten and added her pink neon wings. She knew just how to dress her kitten and topped it off with a unicorn horn headband. Now she was on to decorating the kitty’s plush purse with gold flower, heart, and bow stickers. “Oh I like this one,” as she selected and placed her decorations. Now her kitty was ready for some pretend play as she declared the box, “A kitty crate” and carried her new unicorn kitty in her purse. A DIY art project plus pretend play is a win win in my opinion. Personalizing a pet helps it come alive and be a companion for play as this kitty is ready to eat, play or sit for a book reading. Young children learn through imitating their everyday experiences through play, building language skills as they tell their story. This cuddly kitten is the perfect companion for smart play!
Available at Faber-Castell