Jump, Jump Joey! by MindWare’s Peaceable Kingdom is an exciting and Hop & Play action game that will keep your children engaged and entertained. The game is designed for children ages 2 and up and is perfect for developing their motor skills, memory, following directions, and social skills.

The game includes 12 circle pads that are scattered on the floor in your play area. One player is Mama Kangaroo and wears a kangaroo apron, complete with pouch in front. The objective of the game is to find the three Joeys underneath the circle pads. Players take turns jumping on 3 different pads saying “JUMP, JUMP JOEY!” They turn over the last pad that they jumped on in hopes of finding 1 of 3 baby Joeys. If it’s a Joey, Mama Kangaroo hold it in her apron pouch. If not, players follow the directions and have fun spinning, dancing, leg shaking, making fun faces, and more!

There was lots of fun to be had. One of our kangaroos suggested “We should play music while we play this, since we’re dancing so much!” Of course we cheered every time we found a Joey, but there was equal excitement uncovering other movements.

Why We Love It

Jump, Jump Joey! encourages meaningful moments of connection during play, while simultaneously developing motor and language skills. The game reinforces memory skills as tiny kangaroos hop to new spots in search of the Joeys, trying to recall which pads have already been uncovered. Our non-readers were even keen to recognize pictures as they kept playing and called out the movement — “Is this one wiggle?” “Shake a leg… again?!”

Children practice gross motor skills like balance and hopping. They work on following directions and of course, making memories and connection with others. Jump, Jump Joey! is a fun and educational game that provides children with a range of developmental benefits. It’s engaging and an excellent choice for parents who want to promote their child’s learning and development while having fun.

Available at MindWare