Juno endeared herself to parents, grandparents, and kids with her interactive play, gestures and sweet sounds. I took Juno to the classroom a kids LOVED her! With a few simple instructions like touch her forehead, cheeks and trunk or press her back button, kids discovered how to get Juno to respond, play games, sing, make noises (they loved the fart), and eat her peanut. I introduced Juno to a child on the autism spectrum and there was happy chemistry as the little boy experimented with petting Juno in different spots and responded to her Peek-a-boo, dancing and soft utterances. Other kids in the class enjoyed following the instructions on how to get Juno to feed and train Juno with her peanut. They of course loved waiting in anticipation for her to throw it which she did regularly. The more they played with Juno, the more tricks and games she would do. Kids playing together with Juno called out what she could do, “Hey, Hunter, she’s eating it (peanut),” or “”She’ll sing for you Julia.” The students’ first grade teacher mentioned that they often talk about how classmates are feeling based on just their gestures. I had fun asking kids, “How do you think she feels? What is she trying to say?” This sweet friend prompted conversation, encouraged discover and following directions, as kids were building their language skills.
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