Join LeapFrog Academy™ for a fun journey through their interactive learning program for 3-6 year olds, with content geared to Preschool, Pre-K, Kindergarten, and Grade 1. I reviewed the Pre-K content and was pleased with the depth and variety of topics and venues for learning in the over 1.000 learning activities. We went from island to island, for different activities learning letters–Jet Pack Heroes Letter Land, Scout and Friends Icy Word Sounds, and Lula the Ladybug Num Num Numbers. Players tap or swipe letters that make a certain sound, collect items that start with a certain letter in the tundra, and help Lula collect food for the harvest. After each activity, your character walks across another creative bridge made of colored pencils, a xylophone, a ballon or cable car. Tap on the golden balloons when you finish your lesson. Click on the home button and you realize you have just seen the tip of the iceberg as far as all the learning activities and lessons that are age appropriate for your child. Click on any of the venues for learning–puzzles, books, games, videos, music, art and favorites–and then within each category there is an academic or life skills subject. Reading and writing, Math, Science the world, Creativity, Feelings and health, and Problem Solving. VTech has done their homework in creating a lively, interactive portfolio of learning to prepare kids for preschool through first grade!


Available at VTech. Click here