“Leaps and Bounce” accurately describes the rhyme, rhythm and illustrations in this bouncy, joyful tale of growing up to be a frog! Spotted round eggs explode into cute goggly eyed tadpoles and four-footed friends, described by Susan Hood in her lyrical tale that’s just plain fun to say out loud, “Wiggle tails! Squiggle tails! Scoot-around-and jiggle tails!” Tails and legs unfold, as kids literally open the gatefolds to watch them grow. Kids kept placing it in my lap for one more read aloud. The growing up theme of favorite, “Rooting for You” by the same duo of author and illustrator, is continued in “Leaps and Bounce” as we are told that “changes come to all who grow.” Judging from the “flicks and flails, splish-splashing tails,” circular swimming and giant leaps, growing up isn’t so painful after all but full of fun. This is the perfect read aloud for an audience of one or classroom of plenty as kids loved listening to the clever repetition of sounds in the middle as well as the end of words, making repeating lines silly fun as well.
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