Jack and the Beanstalk is a perfect theme for adding physical building to a story as the beanstalk gets higher and higher throughout the plot. Geomagworld’s Magicube Story Building Sets proved to be favorites among students and teachers last year when I brought language learning toys to the classroom. This year’s new “Jack and the Beanstalk” set has the same potential to bring out creative physical building of the magnetic blocks to represent a storyline while adding accessory clips to illustrate the story. The set includes clips of Jack climbing, hiding and running as he sneaks up to steal gold coins, a magic hen and attempts to get a magic harp. Several clips are included of each character as their expressions change from happy to angry, mad, curious, sleepy and scared. 135 clips add props such as a teapot, tablecloth, hamburger, fireplace, bean seeds, stalk sections, bird, apple and pizza, to enrich the storytelling and allow kids to be flexible with the plot as they can change up the accessories. The storybook included in the set offers some good questions to stimulate conversation with your little builder, “Did Jack do the right thing?” “How does Jack feel?” or “Would you have gone back to the beanstalk?” My answer would be NO!! Jack was a daring guy. This set provides so much opportunity for language learning as kids invent and build their own story and talk about the characters’ feelings and consequences for actions. Any teacher would be thrilled with this learning tool for her classroom.
Available in July. Geomagworld