Time for tangrams on your tabletop with The Match-it Tangrams set by the Learning Journey International. The set includes 50+ brightly colored tangram shapes and 20 double-sided puzzle cards that feature a wide variety of different shapes, patterns, and objects.

Tangrams is simple and intuitive for children to play with. They were eager to pick a puzzle card and use color and shape matching, spatial reasoning, and problem solving to recreate their design using geometric shapes. They quickly sifted through the cards: a crab, bird, turtle, dog, and more!

As children of mixed ages played beside each other, they each found a challenge of their own. Younger children used the back side of the card to match the shapes needed to create the design before placing them in their animal design. While the older kiddos were able to just use the picture design to gather their shapes. They placed and spun their shapes in different ways as they revised their designs to match their visual.

By playing with Tangrams, children can improve their hand-eye coordination, spatial awareness, and problem-solving abilities. They can also develop their creativity and imagination as they experiment with different ways to arrange the shapes and create their own designs.

Another Earth friendly bonus is that Tangrams is made from eco-friendly materials, including recycled paper and soy-based ink. Match-it! Tangrams set by the Learning Journey International is easy to use and offers a range of learning opportunities that can help children develop important skills and abilities.

Available at The Learning Journey International and Amazon