It’s time to grow up, sprout, break new ground, go toward the light, and bloom is the message of this delightful, flap book, multi-layered with meaning. Kids love the opening two-paged, “I am NOT coming out! with a frown on the face of our little seed. Somehow they can relate to the simple protest–this seed does not want to venture out past possible monsters versus stay in the ground where he is safe and sound. With the help of his cast of new friends–worms, ants, beetles and spiders–this seed is making progress toward the light. So with some encouragement and self-talk, “I can do it,” he kept “whirling…unfurling…going…and growing” into a beautiful sunflower. Language lessons abound as we can talk about trying something difficult, who encourages us, what to do when we get discouraged, who are our friends, and maybe even what WE can do to help someone who is challenged. This insightful book can be used to entertain a circle of 3 year-olds or serve as a writing prompt for a second grade class.
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