“The Repeat-After-Me Silly Story Memory Game!” says it all. In Peaceable Kingdom’s new cooperative game, everyone is the story teller, adding on a zany phrase or sentence using a word card in their hand. Set up by designating a Story Master who monitors the round, chooses a character card (we chose “My Fairy Godmother,” “Quintuplets,” and “The Zombie”), deals 3 word cards to each player (ranges from wiggle, donkey, or bumpy to bunny slippers, tarantula or afro) and gives each player a Clue Token. Players take turns repeating the story thus far and adding one of their word cards next to the previous ones to extend the story. Play goes on until 10 or 12 cards are placed, as long as players are still remembering the story. What a delightful, funny way to build language skills as players must use a new word to relate to the ongoing story line. Our Fairy Godmother fell into quicksand, so we used a screwdriver to pull her out. She was so frightened her mouth turned purple, and immediately needed some cotton candy to calm her down. Kids had no trouble coming up with outrageous add-ons to the story of a Zombie with a marshmallow brain, and a monkey who had an attitude wearing his bunny slippers! The crazier the phrase or sentence containing your word, the easier it is to visualize and remember that add-on to the story helping you win the cards by repeating it correctly at the end when others can’t. Kids learn vocabulary, how to advance a story using a controlled set of words, and strategies to memorize meaningful chunks of language.
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