Kids love stickers and tape, giving Artzooka’s latest craft kit a big high five! Our little artists chose one of the six scenes to decorate with the 5 rolls of colored tape and 160 stickers from boats and butterflies to houses, flowers and fish. Several of the background cards align to make a longer story. At first kids started to fill in the mountains, train and dog outlines with strips of tape but then got more creative, adding to their story as they expanded it. This set inspired my 5 year-old friend to construct a bush from tape and declare, “It’s a magic bush on the mountain. It goes up to the clouds!” Then he made a “grown up nest, just for the Mommy and Daddy,” before placing the large bird stickers in it. The tape was easy to tear independently, so ladders, mountains, roads and paths could be constructed for the story. My little friend was thrilled to present his picture to mom, describing his scene, exercising his language skills.
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