Here’s a fun book for preschoolers to early elementary students to enjoy. David Melling’s The Kiss That Missed has the spunk and silliness that gets kids to giggle.
The Kiss That Missed by David Melling
Hurrying to give a hasty goodnight kiss to his son, the King missed his prince, as the intended kiss blew right by and bounced out the window. the king commanded his royal knight, “Follow that Kiss!” Mounting his horse backwards, revealing a silly rip in his pants, the bungling knight took off through the dark, snowy forest in pursuit of the royal kiss. Coming upon a potentially frightening scene, the knight watched as the growly bears, swooping owls and hungry wolves were gently put to sleep by the swirling kiss as it passed through the branches. The kiss did it’s final magic on a gigantic, hungry dragon, and the knight returned the kiss in time for a final bedtime story. David Melling’s comedic illustrations provide for lots of fun and commentary by kids.
Language and Literacy Building Tips:
After reading story to a 2 year-old, we played a game of blowing a kiss, he catched it and threw it “in the garage,” “under the table,” “out the door,” or “over a truck.” What a fun way to teach prepositions and enjoy re-telling the story with a new twist. Look for the detail in the pictures and talk about it–find all the animals hiding in the snow scene, talk about what is goofy about the knight, look at all the pieces of the story that come together in the final bedtime story scene.
For the early elementary aged child, use the book to launch a discussion or writing project about if a kiss got loose or another adventure with the bungling knight.
What Valentine’s Day books are your favorites? Let me know below in “Comments.”