Take your baby on a discovery trip “Round the Farm” with this cuddly, six-sided ball. Four bright contrasting faces await your little one as she rotates the ball to meet the frog, cat, pig and dog. Each face combines contrasting patterns, textures and colors to enterain baby and invite exploration. Fuzzy protrusions, for ears, tails, or feet, are easy to grab to rotate the ball to meet a new barnyard friend. A little squeeze on the ear brings on a ribbit, meow, oink or woof, corresponding to the animal’s face. Babies love a squishy ball that they can easily grab, roll or mainipulate to hear sounds, feel texutres, see faces, or strick their finger in a fuzzy hole. An inherent preference for faces drives baby’s curiosity to explore, and eventually “speak” to a face on this delightful ball of fun.