I always look at the display of brand new books at our public library when I go. Today I was attracted to Baby Blessings, A Prayer for the Day You Were Born, by Deloris Jordan. It is a precious story of the blessing we receive in a newborn baby, with a parent’s desire praying that he will be kind, touch the world in a special way, believe in himself, look for the good and trust in God and his promises of blessings. I originally picked up the book because my friend had asked me to suggest some picture books that featured African American kids for her child to enjoy. Ever since I have been on the lookout for wonderful stories that picture kids of diversity.
Taken with the story, I was showing it to my husband when he asked who the author was. I opened the book jacket and realized that Deloris Jordan is the mother of Michael Jordan, an advocate for children and families, and author of several books. Illustrator James Ransome’s oil paintings depict a parents’ glow at each step of their child’s life–first smiles, learning to walk, riding a bike, discovering a book, gazing at the sky, being thankful, and venturing off to school. I am not always a fan of celebrity authors but this book is a gem. Take a look and be thankful for your blessings.