I was asked if I would write a guest blog for www.mommyspeechtherapy.com. Heidi, the author, is a licenced speech pathologist and mother of three who has been in the field since 2000. Her site is a wonderful resource for therapists and parents who want to assist in helping their children learn specific sounds. She provides easy to understand step-by-step tips for producing /sh, m, p, t, d, l, y, th, r/ as well as worksheets for practice. She also blogs about language development and therapy tips.
I blogged about my passion for promoting language through using great toys, books and games that encourage talking. Take a look and get familiar with my criteria for choosing a good toy, game or book so you can be a discerning parent empowered to find that toy with an educational edge. Or use my list to save time if you are a special education teacher or speech therapist and want some great materials to get language going.