Okay, wonder-parent shared this idea with me last week. She had done it with her son to practice his sounds for speech therapy, /k/ and /g/. She read him Fright Night Flight, by Laura Krauss Melmed, illustrated by Henry Cole. A witch takes off on her special broom to pick up creepy guests to tag along. A “lurking, smurking Vampire,” “a howling, growling Werewolf,” “musty, dusty Skeleton,” or a “hulking, skulking Monster,” all provide some fun repetition of practice sounds. This clever mom helped her 5 year-old draw and cut out each character, then they made a special sticky broom out of wikki sticks. As mom read the story, he chimed in with the catchy refrain about each character as he stuck them on to his homemade broom.
Take a look at their finished product. I had fun guessing who each character was!