People always tell me how much fun my job must be to get all these new toys and be able to play with them with kids. Actually one of my favorite parts of the PAL Award process is being able to donate many of the submitted toys, books and games to several non-profits that serve moms and children in poverty. Monday I packed up my car and drove to the Bridgeport Rescue Mission’s new Women’s Guest House, designed to house women AND their children who are homeless. Linda Casey, Director of Development, met me there for a tour. One of the moms helped me unload the toys and was so thankful as they have just started a preschool for the children of the moms staying there. I met the little 4 year-old who didn’t know her colors, shapes or numbers when she arrived a few months ago. She was sitting at the table, identifying concepts in a puzzle as her teacher reinforced her learning!
Local businesses have “adopted” different community rooms at the Guest House so I was able to see the completed computer lab where moms are working on their GED and job skills. It even included a cute miniature table and chairs for little daughters and sons to “work” alongside moms.
The Bridgeport Rescue Mission is unique in its mission and impact on our neighboring towns. They are gearing up for Thanksgiving when they will feed 4,000 guests as neighbors will line up to get a turkey and warm coat.
I am blessed to be able to contribute to this fine organization serving the hungry, homeless and addicted in Fairfield County.