I like to draw and kids like to draw too, so we are a perfect match! Actually, I find that a fun drawing activity is perfect for articulation therapy as kids can draw objects with their sound in them.
One of my favorite new therapy tools (because kids love it) is Crayola’s Doodle Magic Color Mat which comes with 4 colored markers and a special wet erase wand. Today we were working on /r/ in all positions of the word in sentences. My little friend asked to draw on the mat and started to make a house. I had her describe what she was drawing as she got into great detail with the garage. Soon she was thinking of all the things in the garage that had /r/: grass seed, deer spray, watering can, ladder, cars, recycling bin, and gardening gloves as she illustrated her items. Thank goodness she was there to identify her illustrations but she was very proud of her drawing while getting in great practice on her sound.