HIghlight magazineSometimes when you have a child who is a little resistive to therapy, it’s best to come along side him, see what he’s playing with and incorporate it in your lesson.

I arrived at my little friend’s house after breakfast and he was fast at work in finding the hidden pictures in Highlight Magazine. It brought back memories of one of my favorite things about going to the dentist when I was young (is there such a thing??). Anyway, I loved finding hidden pictures and have been known to play that game with the neighbor kids who discovered it online.

My friend asked me to work on the page next to him so I started finding my pictures while giving him models to repeat with his sound. Luckily he was working on /sh/ so I could interject, “Show me the _____”. He seemed very happy to repeat my models related to the pictures we were coloring. We both had a great time and the session flew by!