“Do you know what happens when you make a toy? It helps the world!” That’s what 6 year-old Caroline told me as she worked on her Halloween Cat toy, made from Hape’s “Minimals” toy packaging. It was fun to watch her creative mind work as she began after dinner to start cutting apart 2 boxes and the plastic covers to make the body, found a large roll of clear packaging tape and cut it apart to make the legs decorated with halloween stickers. She finished up the cat this morning while it was still dark outside.
We had a nice discussion about being an “inventor” and what that means. I loved that I was not involved one bit in this project. Caroline has a craft drawer in the kitchen (One of the biggest drawers) that holds paper, markers, tape, duct tape, and scissors. She was self-sufficient in her creative process. Isn’t that what we want our kids to be? Have great materials and toys available so they can take off and lead the play. That’s how they learn the most.