This winter just never seems to end (we’re home AGAIN with schools closed and this beautiful fluffy stuff coming down all day), so the opportunity is ripe for a story about snow! I love Splat the Cat books because they have a simple but relevant story line and lots of humor–poor Splat.
“Splat the Cat and the Snowy Day Surprise” had Splat and Seymour getting ready for a snowy adventure, making a snow cat. After getting on all their snow gear ( good vocabulary lesson for the season), they decide to sled down the hill to a spot for making their snow cat. Spike has another agenda as he pounded the two opponents with snow balls. As Spike tried to hurl one back at him, it missed and started to gain size as it rolled down the hill. All is well at the end as they have a ready-made snow cat. This book is great for:
- answering wh-questions, who, what, where?
- answering yes-no questions
- naming snow clothes
- describing simple actions: pulling, throwing, getting dressed
- story re-tell
At the end, we made our own snow cat out of playdoh, pipe cleaners and wiggle eyes.