As I am cleaning out in preparation for moving out of state, I am finding several old friends who have been by my side for many years of speech therapy. Pardon the nostalgia but they are attached to so many fun memories and were there for me when I needed them–meaning when a child was hard to get to cooperate, talk or listen, these old friends stepped right in and helped generate playful talking.
One is the old Fisher Price pirate ship with a working cannon and shooting spear. (may not be made anymore because of that!) At one point it was so important to my work that I had a second one for spare parts. I just googled it and found only a few images. Apparently it was made in 1995 and is the very first Great Adventures™ pirate ship made by Fisher-Price. I got both of my ships and accessories from Tag Sales. By the way, I just saw it on eBay for $125 in a sealed box. They missed out on a lot of fun over the last 20 years by leaving it in a sealed box.
Another special friend has been the Play-Doh First Creations Super Suitcase. Hasbro couldn’t have known when they named this how “super” this toy is. Many a child stopped resisting and forgot he was complying (talking) as I offered him another shape to continue making a vehicle out of a blob of Play-Doh. The train was a favorite as well as the whistle top on the truck. For fun I googled it and it is available on Amazon as a “collectable.” See they know the value of these oldies but goodies.