ASHA Leader Magazine is a favorite of mine. I was just reading the April issue and turning down the corners on several fantastic, relevant articles. Here’s one that got my attention, “Speech-Language Impairments Rank First, Second Highest By Age” So Speech-Language impairments are the most prevalent disability category for children 3-5 and rank second in the 6-21 year old category, second to specific learning disabilities, under IDEA.
I guess we sort of knew that, based on our bulging caseloads with preschoolers, right? It makes me even more passionate about calling out the best toys and games and features in play that can build language skills in young kids.
One of the things I love about private practice is that I am in the homes and parents are at least listening if not watching therapy. With my littlest clients I insisted that I had time with parents at the end of a session to demonstrate games, methods and activities to enhance progress on their speech and language goals. I wanted to teach them “how” to select a beneficial toy or game, what to look for and how to come along side their child to maximize progress. Some parents got it right away and started sharing ideas with me which was a joy. Others took longer to get it but they were always willing.
Positive play experiences for children from birth through 5 years can give them a boost in language skills relating to later reading and writing too.