My husband likes Sunday to be a day of rest (he is right) so I declared last Saturday a day of exploration. Since we moved to Wisconsin in the last year I am still finding fun spots in the area. After an amazing donut at Roecks Bakery in Kiel Wisconsin we headed to Sheboygan on Lake Michigan. This smaller city boasts the best kitchen store, “Relish.” I warned my husband that I always find something to buy. So as I was checking out with my terra cotta lined garlic container and butter dish I saw this “Stay Clean Scrubber.” As I was squeezing it, owner Jane told me a teacher bought several of them to give to kids
standing in line who have ADHD. It helps them regulate their sensory system and be patient while waiting.
Then I went on to “The Nest” which is a beautiful gift shop on 8th Avenue in Sheboygan too. I always check out the children’s section of stores and found the cutest little mice that would be a perfect addition to a reading of “The Tooth Mouse,” one of my favorite children’s picture books by Susan Hood. All you need is a mouse and cigar box!