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Fun Toys and Games for Smart Family Play During Shelter at Home

Background on Sherry:

Sherry Artemenko, Speech Language Pathologist and Toy Expert is here to share super fun toys to build language skills through creative play and storytelling, keeping brains sharp over Today I am featuring some of the PAL Award’s latest winners that spark smart play. Information on all these toys is on my website,

Turtle Steps by Hapinest, 3 years and up ($49)

  • Kids loved immediately, as soon as they saw the box
  • Set up play with large and medium sized textured turtle shells
  • Whole family can play, kids lead the play, strategically placing shells
  • Spin to see what color shell to jump to or read an activity card..switch shells with someone else or balance on 1 foot
  • Kids practice listening, following directions, large motor and balancing skills
  • Made up their own games and created a pretend play scenario, stimulated their leading the play

Available here.

Just Add Egg by Griddly Games, 5 years and up, ($29.99)

  • It’s all about the egg, over 10 activities-science experiments and DIY activities
  • Kids can create disappearing eggs, chalk or an egg succulent garden
  • Crush egg shells and color to make a mosaic on the box
  • experiments are followed with “What did you see?” and “Why?”
  • Observing and thinking critically, kids are exercising language skills as they explain conclusions

Available here.


Global Warning by Adventerra Games, 10 years and up, ($24.95)

  • So deep in learning while interesting and fun!
  • Intergeneration play
  • Players understand causes of global warming, prioritize fixes while assessing the cost benefits of their actions
  • Each card has a real global example of a specific problem or solution
  • Challenges kids to use higher level language and cognitive skills to work collaboratively, think critically, analyze, compare and come up with best solutions

Available here


Brio Builder Record and Play SetBrio Builder Record and Play Set, 3 years and up ($39.99)

  • Wonderful pairing of STEM and language skills
  • Make a robot, airplane, animal or ??
  • Great attachment system using grey pegs to attach wheels, decoration, accessories, facial expressions and body parts
  • Add movement and integrate a little electronics to add recorded message or sounds effects
  • Build and pretend play to stimulate language development

Available here.


Story Time ChessStory Time Chess, 3 years and up, ($49.99)

  • Learn to play chess based on a story whose characters match up with chess pieces and move according to their back story
  • Silly King Shaky who lives in a pillow castle who is scared of everything so he tiptoes on square at a time on the game board
  • Playing chess can sharpen critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, and social language.

Available at Story Time Chess. Click here  


Toddler kitchen setToddler Kitchen Set by Hape, 18 months and up, ($24.99)

  • Imitating Mommy and Daddy, why not give them their own kitchen?
  • Mini stove with spatula and spoon, clicking dials and clean up storage
  • Pretend play important to language development
  • Kids use higher level of language when role-playing conversing like adults

Available here.