Many times I ask parents if I can have a speech therapy session in their child’s preschool class that week so that I can confer with the teacher and see how the child is doing. Might I say, I also have other motives as I have seen this to be incredibly beneficial for the teacher, child and therapist. I’ve also worked with little clients in their classroom several times a week if they are on the autism spectrum, as I can help build social relationships with peers while encouraging language development.
The classroom teacher realizes how much “our” student is capable of in terms of talking whether it be talking in 2-word phrases, using final sounds, or asking for help. I educate the teacher who may not have been aware of what level that student can perform at. Over and over, I have heard, “I had no idea he could do that!” Now that the teacher can see that our student can ask for “More” at snack time or re-tell a story with me, I suggest how they can carry that over in the classroom, Model “more” and wait for him to say that before giving more snack or I leave one of the picture books that I have been using in therapy for the teacher to read at circle time, asking our student to “help out” and tell the story with her.