I want to share my latest experience with another outstanding app from Mobile Education Store, "Rainbow Sentences," designed to help students create...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
ConversationBuilder App Review and Giveaway!
I have come to rely on Mobile Education Store's apps for fantastic, engaging apps that go deep in skill areas for speech and language therapy...
Preposition Builder App for Speech Therapy Fun
This is my first review of an app by Mobile Education Store and I'm "apply" impressed! Kids liked this app so much with its clever engaging cartoon...
PicCollage Free App for Speech Therapy
I really enjoy learning from my students. One of the activities I do with my 9 year-old friend working on /s/ carryover is to have her explain her...
Dr. Panda, Teach Me! App Review for Speech Language Therapy
I know you will enjoy this guest post by Katie Kelley, SLP at peachyspeech.com. Katie’s depth of knowledge on speech therapy apps contributes to...
New App Helps Cognitively Impaired Make Phone Calls
Today's guest blogger is Ashley Alliano, a speech language pathology graduate student at Seton Hall University, who has developed the app, Unus...
The SLP Toolbelt, I Got an iPad…Now What?
I know you will enjoy this guest post by Katie Kelley, SLP at peachyspeech.com. Katie's depth of knowledge on speech therapy apps contributes to...
Draw And Tell App For Speech Therapy
"Draw & Tell" by Duck Duck Moose is a wonderful tool for speech therapy. First you select your background paper from colors, stripes, polka...
Best Speech Therapy Apps, Articulate It! by Smarty Ears
As speech pathologists we are always looking for new tools to add to our bag and certainly the iPad has become a favorite for all of us, including...
Best Speech Therapy Apps: Articulation Station by Little Bee
"Articulation Station" by Little Bee has all the app-tributes for an engaging, fun, successful therapy session. Organized in a thoughtful way, it...
“Language Builder” App Review for Speech Therapy
By Katie Kelley, Speech Language Pathologist Language Builder is another wonderful app put out by Mobile Education Tools, the same developers who...
Using “AlphaTots” App for Speech Therapy
As I am exploring the world of apps, I am finding there is a pattern in my behavior. In much the same way that I am drawn to outstanding toys, books...
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