It's been a year since I packed up all my therapy materials and moved to Wisconsin. Anyone who does a big move knows that it's "tedious and...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
What Articulation Norms Do You Use?
This is a great question and I often pose it to other private therapists that I meet with so I am keeping up to date with the latest. I regularly...
Speech Box™ For Speech Therapy App Review
I have been enjoying using the "Speech Box™" app by The Jonah Bonah Learning Company in my therapy sessions lately. As I explained to a speech...
Speech Therapy For Apraxia, NACD Home Speech Therapist App Review
Apraxia therapy can be challenging as it requires frequent and intensive treatment, involving repetition of sounds and syllables in a systematic...
“Speaking of Apraxia” by Leslie A. Lindsay, R.N., B.S.N., A Review
I often get requests to review speech and language materials from apps to toys and books but when "Speaking of Apraxia" arrived I was very...
Speech Therapy Ideas for Preschoolers
One of the joys of having a blog is that I hear from people literally all around the world. Some are parents seeking advice for their children who...
Speech Therapy Homework
Yesterday I blogged about taking speech therapy outside at this time of year and expanding a child's vocabulary and experience using language. I...
Spring Apraxia Speech Therapy Outside
Now that the weather has warmed up--we hope--I have started to take my speech therapy outside. Some of my favorite successes in doing therapy have...
Articulation Therapy with Speech Buddies
Articulation therapy can be easy and hard--easy if a child quickly learns the correct production of the error sound and the rest is embedding drill...
Child Apraxia Speech Therapy Progress
Today was a good day. I feel like we turned a corner with little 2 year-old Travis who is diagnosed with child apraxia of speech. I was the first...
New Games and Toys for Speech Therapy
Some games and toys are directly related to building language or helping with speech articulation. I blogged about 2 such games last time. Another...
Diagnosing Apraxia of Speech
It seems to me that we tend to be too quick to "diagnose" a late talker as apraxic. Once again, I was working with a 20 month old who is behind in...
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