As I am sitting at the table, blogging next to one of my grandsons, I hear "1, 2, 3, 4..." and am reminded again of the many dimensions of learning...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
Toy Fair New York 2017 Toys for Special Needs
I've always been a speech therapist who uses "off the shelf" toys not "therapy" toys to engage kids with special needs. They deserve to have the...
Toy Fair Trends New York 2017
Stepping through the doors of New York City's International Toy Fair always pumps me up, the air charged with excitement, innovation, creativity,...
Kids’ Biographies Inspire Next Generation Leaders
I always appreciate a good biography written for children, especially one that inspires young girls to be their best. During a weekend with some of...
“Ada Twist, Scientist” Inspires Girl Power
I’ve enjoyed reading Rosie Revere, Engineer and Izzy Peck, Architect for many engaging language lessons with kids They love the stories that provide...
Kids Call Wonderhood Toys Wonderful!
I spotted Wonderhood Toys at the New York Toy Fair this year and thought their sets were winners so it is exciting to see that kids agree with me!...
The Language of STEM
I've written a number of times about the language skills needed and used in STEM education. As speech language therapists we often work in subjects...
The Language of Learning Circuits
With all the emphasis on STEM learning and toys that can build skills in those areas of science, let's not forget the language essential to and...
Kids Learn Independently With The New Smartscope
It was a joy to watch my three friends, aged 5, 8 and 9 years old, gather their specimens from outside and head to their new Ravensburger Smartscope...
Toy Fair 2016, Look What I Saw
I'm moving fast to cover the thousands of companies displaying at the Javitts Center but I have my eye out for companies who are creative and...
Build and Imagine Sets Ignite Pretend Play with Kids on the Autism Spectrum
I love to share amazing experiences I have with kids, ones that surprise even me as children lead the way and show new dimensions of play with an...
Let the Children Learn Through Play in the New York Times
My daughter-in law texted the link to this article before it arrived on my driveway Sunday morning. She knows I am a big proponent of play in young...
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