Toy Expert and Speech-Language Pathologist, Erika Cardamone, from So much learning is happening at home these days. Today we’re...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
Great New Picture Books About Dragons, Beach and Twins
One of my favorite things to do is hang out in a neighborhood book store and check out the new picture books. As a matter of fact, when my husband...
Homeschooling a Child with Special Needs: The Pros and Cons
From time to time I like to feature guest posts by either Speech language pathologists or those in other fields working to positively impact kids...
Kids’ Biographies Inspire Next Generation Leaders
I always appreciate a good biography written for children, especially one that inspires young girls to be their best. During a weekend with some of...
Play Your Way Back To School
Anticipating the start of a new school year is both exciting and daunting. As a parent and school speech therapist, I always felt the promise of a...
Book Lessons on Being Different
I loved my visit to our town library today and was rewarded with a full bookshelf of "NEW!" books. They put a little sticker on them which really...
A Parent’s Guide to Teaming with the Schools to Build Language
As parents enter the world of special education, the PPT meeting, to plan for your child's Individual Educational Plan (IEP) can be daunting. I have...
Biggest Challenges for Speech Therapists
I am a fan of Linguisystems for their excellent resources and now their free CEU programs. They also provide valuable free information throughout...
Redshirting Kindergarteners
In today's New York Times there is an article about the increasing movement to hold your child back and start kindergarten a year after they are...
Valentines Day Picture Books for Speech Therapy
Here are some more Valentines Day books to use in speech therapy to liven up your sessions: Love, Splat by Scotton Splat has made a special...
The Writing Menu, Assists Speech Therapy
Many of us speech therapists were trained to rehabilitate oral language skills and leave the written skills to the teacher or resource teacher. I...
Language Therapy Lesson, Teaching Alliteration in Poetry
Since this is national poetry month, many classes are learning about and writing different kinds of poetry. Today, in class, we learned about...
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