Every so often I need to brush up on my sign language. Even though I have taken courses in sign language, it is like any other language, you have to...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
How To Read to Your Baby and Toddler
Research shows the value of reading to your baby from day one. Infants are taking in language from books and hearing the rhythm of language as they...
Book Review: A First Guide to Baby Signing by Amazing Baby
When I was at the International Toy Fair in New York City in February, I stopped in at Dolphin Books and was introduced to their new book on baby...
A New Resource for Teaching Baby Sign Language
When I was at the International Toy Fair in New York City in February, I stopped in at Dolphin Books and was introduced to their new book on baby...
Early Potty Training with Baby Signs
I love to check out what is new in the world of babies, parenting and language. Today in my Google Alerts, I was directed to an article called...
More on my Search for Best Language Toys
Okay, I was sharing some highs and lows of my trip through the Javits Center at the International Toy Fair: High: Step 2 makes wonderful kitchen...
Baby Sign Language
Today when I was talking to a group of new moms at Greenwich Hospital, the topic of baby sign language came up--what did I think about it? Usually...
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