When I’m working with preschoolers, I often mention to the parents that after their child gets “settled” in therapy, it would be helpful for me to see him in his preschool setting. I wait a few weeks until he is making significant progress and I can share what he is capable of with his teacher.
I find it best for the mother to email the teacher and copy me on the note, asking permission for me to come and observe and share how to best help my student from both sides, the therapy session and the school setting. It can be a bit delicate, because I want teachers to know that I am not coming to evaluate them or their program but to collaborate for the benefit of our shared student. Several schools are now familiar with my visits and welcome them because I offer some fun suggestions for them to better help the student too.
Last week I made such a visit and again it was so helpful for the teacher, parent and me. I wouldn’t expect a classroom teacher to get the same responses from a speech and language delayed or disordered child that I can get in a 0ne-on-one situation so I like to share what he is capable of–whether it is using certain sounds, grammatical forms, following directions, or using pragmatic language skills. And it is so valuable for me to see the set-up of the room, schedule of activities and how my little client responds to open play time, structured activities, circle time and outdoor play. Collaborating with other professionals teaching my little guy is essential to get the most progress.