News & Media

TV Appearances, Print & Online Articles

TV & Radio Appearances

toys that teach 5-30-19
toys that teach 6-19-19

Footage provided by News 12 Connecticut

Print & Online

parents magazine

Parents Magazine, March 2020 “How to Handle Sassy Talk”

Parents Magazine Creating Memories
Parents Magazine, May 2015 “Creating Memories”,“When Do Babies Start Teething?”, “When Do Babies Start Talking?”

ASHA LEADER Magazine, August 2014, Blogjam, “He Said She Said”

Aol jobs, June 2014, “Mattel’s Newly Launched Entrepreneur Barbie Joins LinkedIn”

ASHA LEADER Magazine, November 2014, Blogjam, “Ways to Find Words”

Parents Magazine Bossy Talk
Parents Magazine, February 2014: “Bossy Talk”

ASHA LEADER magazine, February 2014: App-titude Column, “Apps That Excite Our Youngest Clients”

ASHA LEADER magazine, January 2014: Blogjam Column, “Navigating the Early Intervention Maze”

San Francisco Chronicle, November 22, 2013: “Peaceable Kingdom’s Games Emphasize Cooperation”

ASHA LEADER magazine, September 2013: “Helping Them ‘Get It’”, June 2013: “Pave the Way for Pretend Play”, January 2013: “Let the Child Lead the Way”

ASHAsphere, March 15, 2012, “The Best Speech Pathologist Blogs from ‘A to Z’”, “Board Games That Increase Brain Power”

Mom Trends, June 11, 2011, “Smart Summer Toys” – guest blogger

OEDb Online Education Database, February, 2011, “20 Best Speech Therapy Blogs”

Mommy Speech Therapy, November 24, 2010, “Toys, Books and Games That Promote Language Development” – guest blogger

Time to Play, June 1, 2010: “Time to Play: Let’s Build Language” – guest blogger

Chicago Tribune, May 8, 2010: “Kids Won’t Talk About School? Experts Reveal How to Get Kids of All Ages to talk to You About Their School Day”

Thinkfun, March 24, 2010: “S’Match Supports Speech Therapy Fun (Say That Three Times Fast!)”

GuRu of New, February 21, 2010: “What’s Hot and What’s Not in 2010: Toy Trends Expert, Sherry Younger Artemenko’s Take on Toy Fair”

Parent’s Choice Foundation: “A Lot of Play for a Little Dough,” “What Makes a Good Language Toy,” ”Tips to Get Your Child to Talk About Her School Day,” “Cool Picks for Hot Summer Reading–Building Language and Literacy,” and “Best Strategies to Stimulate Your 3 Year-Olds Language Development.”

New York Times, October 28, 2009: “Letters; A Formula for Smart Babies? It’s Not E=mc2”

Westport Magazine, September, 2005: “The New Well-Rounded Child. The Modern ABCs of Education Start Young and Dig Deep”

Fairfield Citizen article
Fairfiled Citizen, January 21, 2005: “Building Skills Through Play”

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