When I find a good book to use with several of my clients in speech therapy, it is truly a gift. So it is exciting to share a gem I found at one of...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
Word Finding
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Speech Therapy Lessons for Articulation and Word Finding
I think I will blog today about my therapy sessions. I saw kids from 2 1/2 to 13 years old. My takeaway today is how much I love great books and...
Spring Speech Therapy, Seeds Bulbs, Plants and Flowers
Most classes, preschool and early elementary, are studying seeds, growth, and spring science topics. I have used the traditional stories on this...
Using a Game to Help Word-Finding in Speech
Today I worked with a little girl who has a word-finding problem. She has difficulty naming words in categories and even understanding categories. I...
Word Finding, Building Vocabulary
When working with a preschooler with word finding difficulties, I design my lessons around the vocabulary that she experiences most often in their...
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