Working with older kids in speech therapy requires finding games that interest them as well as strengthen their language skills. "Qualities" by...
Exploring the world of toys, language development, and play!
Getting Ready for the Toy Fair 2013!
I can't wait for the International Toy Fair in New York City! It starts tomorrow and even a mere 2-3 feet of snow isn't stopping me. There is such...
“Truth Be Told” Game For Language Lessons
Truth be told, there is only one honest player at a time in this zany game of pretend to know your friends. Designed for kids to adults, beginning...
EzyRoller Gets Kids Moving
One of my favorite toy testing families came for a visit, jumped off their bikes and ran to get in line for a turn on the EzyRoller. Described as... Announces 2012 Fall PAL Award Winners! Presents Their Fall 2012 Play Advances Language (PAL) Award Winners, The Best Toys, Books and Games To Spark Fun And Encourage...
Halloween Books and Apps for Speech Therapy
Halloween is such a fun holiday for kids and provides lots of material to make our speech therapy sessions special! ASHASphere has a guest post this...
Rorys’ Story Cubes MAX Helps Kids With Special Needs
Speech therapists, parents and kids have enjoyed Rory's Story Cubes for building storytelling skills as players use images on dice to trigger ideas...
Back to School Speech Therapy, Great Puzzles
I love to use puzzles in speech therapy and want to share some new terrific puzzles to liven up therapy sessions. Interesting puzzles can be used as...
Inference Lessons in Speech Therapy
I'm often looking for good lessons to teach inference in speech therapy. So many of the kids I work with have difficulty with abstract language. One...
PAL Award Winners on NBC CT Today
I had a fun interview with Yvonne at NBC CT today, sharing some of my newest PAL Award winners and how they can promote language development. Here...
Toy Companies Caring About Kids With Special Needs
I am going to be blogging periodically about companies that are listening to the special needs community of parents, educators and kids, to develop...
“Ticked Off” by R and R Games Wins PAL Award
As speech therapists we are a flexible group by trade. We have to modify materials for different kids' ages and goals. "Ticked Off" by R and R Games...
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