Singing children’s songs is a beautiful way for kids to take in language full of repetition and rhymes. A “singing book” takes it up a notch as kids can follow along with the illustrations and enjoy hearing and singing the cute stories. Diddy Bird’s library of singing books includes, “Children’s Songs”, which features such favorites as “The Wheels on the Bus,” “Bingo was his Name-O, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes,” and ” “Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed.” This selection of songs invites participation with repetitive phrases like, “The ___on the bus goes____” or “B-I-N-G-O”, or “And the little ones said, ‘Roll over, roll over.”Kids quickly learn to press on the fabric circle on each page to start up the song and hear the first verse. Older siblings joined in and went on to subsequent verses which was fun. As a speech pathologist I saw the wonder of using songs to teach and expand’s a child’s language. Often when a child was just learning a few words, they would spontaneously sing or fill in the blank in a song they knew, repeating a phrase from the song! Kids love repetition and you see the learning transpire as they can finish a phrase, “The children on the bus go _____” after hearing the song many times. Singing is also a wonderful social language experience as parent and baby or toddler bond over a warm interaction, joining in together “reading” a book. Language and pre-literacy skills are strengthened and a love for story time!
Note there are several other titles in Ditty Bird’s collection featuring such titles as “Classical Music,” “Learning Songs,” or “Happy Birthday.”
Available on Amazon.