MindWare’s Seek-a-Boo series provides children and parents with a fun and engaging way to foster word learning, categories, and associations. Research shows that arranging thoughts, concepts, and words into categories facilitate meaning, memory, and fast word retrieval.
Seek-a-Boo Mix and Match Memory cards features 8 familiar animals, with 8 different categorizes pertaining to each animal. One picture category is the animal, another the head of the animal, the tail of the animal, the baby animal, the sound it makes, what it likes to eat and its home. This is a fantastic spin on a traditional memory game because children begin to make more associations during play.
These memory cards were great for language and learning too. Before gameplay, we familiarized ourselves with the animals and discussed their different attributes and actions. We practiced some identification and asked questions like “Who swims in the pond?” and “Who eats corn?”
We started small and selected only two categories – animal and baby (creating a 4×4 grid). Since each category is color matched, it made it a bit easier for our 3 year old to match cards. It was great for practicing concentration and divided attention too.
To make this game more challenging, just add more categories! When playing with a 7 year old, he wanted to try out all the categories at once! It was fascinating to see how he developed different memory strategies using different associations. It was great for practicing memory, visual-spatial recognition and concentration.
The unique Seek-a-Book Mix and Memory Cards are a great game that can help your child with word learning, categorization, recall, and visual-spatial skills. It’s perfect for fostering word retrieval and can grow with your child as cognition and memory develop too.
Buy it at MindWare