“Sookie & Finn, Our Day” is a clear, thoughtful, research-based DVD aimed at encouraging a child’s language development through interaction with a parent. Designed with a speech language pathologist, “Sookie and Finn” has all the elements of a fantastic language lesson for all kids–1) entertaining and spunky cartoon characters 2) learning language through a child’s typical day of waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, going to the park, taking a bath and getting into bed, 3)labeling common objects, repeating sentences and relevant words to a child’s world, 4)reinforcing concepts through nursery songs of the same theme and 5) instructing parents on how to maximize language learning through viewing the DVD with their child. Each of the six vignettes is followed by a friendly narrator who reviews the sentences and single vocabulary words essential to the story–breakfast, eat, egg, toast, too hot, blow, yummy and mess for breakfast. Timely pauses allow breaks for a child and parent to chime in and interact with the DVD. The instruction and role of the parent as participant with their child’s viewing of “Sookie &Finn” sets this DVD apart. Their theme of “Talk with us” is exactly what parents should do as they view the DVD together with their child and follow the tips to maximize language learning. Repeat the same verbal routines during your daily activities with your child, sing the songs, extend the story by using toys related to the film, talk about what happened in the story and relate it to your child’s world. An extensive list of tips to encourage a child’s speech and language as well as developmental charts give this DVD an instructional component that parents can learn from and apply when viewing other media with their children. It must be noted that “Sookie & Finn” are from the UK and therefore have a British accent and put on trousers rather than pants and eat porridge instead of hot cereal which really only further expands a child’s vocabulary and understanding of other cultures.
Available at Amazon: Click here
Available at sookieandfinn.com: Click here