Squaregles are the all-in-one play and learning experience. Kids are building language skills through pretend play. They’re working cognition skills through problem solving, engineering, and data collection. And they’re often working together practicing collaboration and negotiation.
Your starter set includes multiple toys in one and everything you need for your child’s next adventure. Two Ogg characters (adorable, versatile figures that travel by car too), magnetic build pieces, paperboard for drawing and creating, tracks and cars, and even comics!
Oggs were really the stars during play, as our testers immediately engaged in pretend play as they discovered their personalities. They zoomed around in cars, down ramps, and even off the box! Once our testers and Oggs were well acquainted, the building could begin!
The magnetic tiles proved to be wildly resourceful. With their colorful inserts, they became bridges, tracks, walls, towers, and more. Children drew their own designs on the included cardboard panels to create houses, restaurants, and gardens, to name a few. Their story plot had no boundaries as they worked to design and then play with this incredible set.
Why We Love It
Squaregles provide limitless opportunities for both construction and imagination. Children are tapping into multiple play patterns by planning, revising, and creating their story scene with their own words and their own pictures. Their Oggs became the heroes and heroines in the story riding in cars, skateboards, and jet packs. Storytelling skills are essential to a child’s language development and can predict future literacy success later on in their academic years. When children gain the opportunity to tell stories during play, they show strong abilities in comprehension and expression of their ideas. These skills build the foundation for language and future academic success.
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