I love to go to our children’s library and browse through the books. I use good children’s literature for all the kids I work with, whether they are working on sounds (articulation), language development, stutteringt or are on the autism spectrum. Picture books tell beautiful stories, build vocabulary, stretch their imagination, encourage storytelling, prepare kids for experiences and teach about our world.
I picked up One of Those Days by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and Rebecca Doughty. A clever collection of simple “bad days” from “Annoying Sibling Day,” “No Fair Day,” and “Nobody’s Listening to You Day” to “Best Friend More Like Your Beast Friend Day”, this book provides a start to great discussions about what kind of days your child has. Ask them to give an example of their day that fits the categories or add their own. Model ones of your own and take turns thinking of situations in real life or make up situations that apply. Today,second grader, Devon, picked “Nobody’s Listening to Me Day” because she told her classmates to back away when they were crowding in too close around their pet gecko when he finally came out of his little shelter. Nobody listened to her when she said to move back and not scare him. Doughty’s elongated, simple figures depict a “feeling left out” face or “not big enough” face of disappointment.