It’s time to talk about love, hugs and kisses and use some fun stories to work on children’s speech and language goals. More books are included in last year’s blogs.
Here are some fun books for preschoolers and early elementary aged students to encourage language:
Max’s Valentine by Rosemary Wells
Max of course wants to sabotage Ruby’s activity making valentines by eating the candy, yum yum glitter and all. Finally Max gets his own valentine delivered from Grandma, full of chocolate ants!
- Use the story to talk about sequence–making valentines, mail them, receive them.
- Create your own valentines with lots of options for fun candies to glue on the hearts
- Practice sounds and language structures as the child re-tells the story.
The Giant Hug by Hornug
Owen wants to send his granny a big hug for her birthday. A picture of a hug won’t do so he starts with the first step–he gives a big hug to Mr. Nevin, working the counter at the post office, and asks him to pass it on to his granny. Each step of the way, the hug is passed on until granny is found in her garden and receives her gift.
- Re-tell the story using drawings, or objects representing the different steps a letter or package goes through to get to its recipient–letter sorter, truck driver, airplane captain, mail truck driver and mailman.
- Change the story with each child offering what gesture or words they would like to “send” through the mail.
Won’t You Be My Kissaroo? by Ryder and Sweet
Equally loved as Won’t You Be My Hugaroo? this book is great for a toddler but can start a good language discussion for an older child. Each kiss illustrated has its own adjectives–“a morning kiss is full of sun and wishes for the day to come.” A breakfast kiss can be sticky or a good-bye kiss can be safe. The author cleverly adds upon each kiss until there is a surprise kiss with all the animals gathered for a birthday party.
- Talk about the words that describe each kiss. Add more thoughts or adjectives to each one–a breakfast kiss could be slurpy, buttery or tasty.
- Draw and cut out pictures of different lips to represent each kiss, add your own and write out the words that describe the kiss.