Happy Summer and welcome to the heat wave! Normally we talk a lot about outdoor play this time of year, but we are inside to stay cool too.
I wanted to share some exciting news, reviews, and therapy ideas with you.
First of all I am on Facebook. Log on and click “like” for Playonwords and be part of our language learning community or join me on Twitter at Playonwordscom.
I was recently interviewed by the features editor of the Chicago Tribune in her article, “Kids Won’t Talk About School? Experts Reveal How to Get Kids of All Ages to Talk To You About Their School Day.” I gave several suggestions on how to get your child to share their day with you without bugging them. I also attended “Time to Play’s Spring Showcase of Toys” in New York with toy expert Chris Byrne and chose my best summer toy picks. As a guest blogger on Time to Play Magazine’s website, I shared how to use toys to build language.
Recent blogs have centered on choosing the best “Toy Story 3” toys to promote language learning, building conversation in pretend play, using kids’ TV shows to launch play, when to correct your child’s speech, my first therapy session at McDonalds, how to get special education services, taking speech therapy outside, when to begin therapy for correcting /r/ or /s/, and how to correct a lisp. I wrote several blogs on topics related to working with kids on the autism spectrum: using typical peers effectively in therapy with kids with autism, building flexible play using books, swings sets and outdoor play, and using games to build social language.
I have reviewed some great new products that build language: games, like S’Match which teaches categories while having fun, toys, like the Calico Critters Treehouse and playmobil’s Wildlife Care Station which invite lots of creative play, and books including “Baby Blessings” by Michael Jordan’s mom, or “The Field Guide to Insects” with paper models to construct.
I’ve also written about fun products for moms to liven up the day with their kids–little ones loved making a puzzle out of their sandwich, or decorating cardboard cakes for birthday favors in my Mom’s Wish LIst section.
Let me know what you would like me to blog about or how I can be helpful to you as parents and educators.
Have a great week!