The Ancient Hidden City puzzle by Peaceable Kingdom is a fun and challenging 100-piece puzzle, and also has great learning and repeat play value.
Puzzles provide a number of educational benefits, including improving spatial reasoning, problem-solving skills, and fine motor skills. It also promotes patience and persistence, as children work through twisting pieces and matching colors to complete their masterpiece.
100-pieces proved to be perfect for our group of first graders. They worked together, calling out different roles. “I’ll find the corner pieces!” “I’m looking for all the brick stairs” and “I’ll look for the tree pieces.” They paid close attention to different details, referencing the dig site poster.
The puzzle depicts an Ancient Hidden City with decorated pillars, snakes, skeletons, archeological tools, and more. Once the puzzle was complete, our first graders were eager to take on an added challenge: find hidden objects within the puzzle! Encouraging attention to detail and visual perception, they scanned the puzzle and used the “reveal light.” They decided that this would be much more fun in the dark, carefully transferred their puzzle, to the floor to reveal that the hidden objects glow in the dark! This added an extra layer of fun and learning to the puzzle, as they developed observational skills and awed over the glowing red objects.
Ancient Hidden City: A Seek and Find Glow Puzzle promotes visual spatial skills, problem solving, and worked attention and concentration. It’s a fun way to improve cognitive skills and ignite a conversation about archeological concepts and discovering past world’s unknown.
Available at MindWare