If you want to invite some interaction and conversation just slip on a t-shirt or hoodie from Planet Buddeez! Designed to teach kids to preserve and be kind to planet earth, these soft shirts and hoodies have a pocket to carry around an adorable 4″ plush finger puppet. E-Zee the Elephant reminds us that “Every Drop Counts,” while Gyro the Giraffe says, “More Trees Please.” Our 2 year-old friend wore the “Keep It Cool” t-shirt with Pally the Penguin in his pocket. He loved that Pally rode around on his tummy. He pulled him out, played peek-a-boo and took him along in his play, putting him to sleep on a chair. Pally seemed to invite interaction with those around him. Our friend’s 4 year-old brother put Pally on his finger and started up a dialogue with his little brother, and Mom did the same. Pally soon became a take-along buddy encouraging language and pretend play.
Available at: Planet Buddeez