Kids loved Sandzini as they jumped right in to shape and create tasty treats for the ice cream parlor. Things got moving so fast that I never saw the instruction sheet which was just as well because the kids were the inventors of fun. The six colors of Sandzini dough were manipulated, cut, formed and rolled with the knife, wheel cutter and sculpting tool. We made ice cream cones, replacing the scoops for different colors and pretend licks, dishes to hold our treats, and popsicles. Soon kids branched out making birthday cakes, cupcakes and even turtles and fish. The sandy dough is easily pliable and stays together which moms liked, making clean-up easy. Six blobs of open-ended play provide wonderful language learning. Treats were assembled for tasting or selling at their ice cream parlor, while spiders and turtles were formed that had nothing to do with an ice cream parlor but everything to do with creative play!
Available at Ohio Art