Gather your young scientists and hop on the Magic School Bus as wacky Ms. Frizzle leads you through learning with “Attracted to Magnificent Magnets.” This latest Young Scientists Club kit has the instructions and materials (other than a few household items) to invite your child into the world of magnets. With 8 experiments, the kit takes kids from going on a magnetic scavenger hunt to making a race car game, compass or magnetic slime. Each page of the instruction booklet is laid out in clever graphics, introducing a new experiment, providing the Question, Materials and Methods with space for the child to fill in the Hypothesis, Results and Conclusions. Besides learning the science of magnets, a child engages in a wonderful language learning experience. Predict what will happen, re-call the event listing the results, and draw conclusions based on your observations. Predicting, re-telling events in sequence and drawing conclusions are all critical thinking skills required of a good thinker and writer. Students are increasingly being required to explain their answers in school, whether in math or science, so they need a strong command of language. The Magic School Bus Young Scientists Club kits prepare children for learning and sharing their knowledge through exciting adventures.

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