The eyes of our young maiden sparkled as she glimpsed the delicate features of Playmobil’s Princess “castlette.” Dual streaming banners atop a bejeweled grand gothic entrance, clear windows in the high arching double doors, a spiraling staircase providing access to a second floor and balcony from which to gaze across an imagined domain of unicorns, babbling brooks and fragrant dogwoods. This Princess haven is wonderfully featured with all the detail that will transport role-playing and accompanying language levels higher than the purple and white streamers atop its twin towers. “I’m this girl”… one princess shouted as she chose a Cinderella like figure included, “Lets go around,” as she excitedly embarked on a tour of her new found royalty. This castle with a rich set of accessories goes beyond the normal rigor of Playmobil’s great attention to detail. Great color, design flourishes, fences, bows, flora and fauna, working doors and furniture all spark the imagination and pretend play. There’s even a dog to entertain the princesses when they take a break from the opulent surroundings. Our little friend captured our own fascination with this great set as she dreamily made a blowing noise and moved the flags on the turrets.
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