Baby Tummy Time builds language

Babies need tummy time to build their upper body strength but it isn’t always their favorite activity. So start early and give them something to talk about!

I set 3 week-old Caroline on her tummy and put the Taggies Crib bumper in her line of sight. She was delighted to look at the black, white and red zebra and penguin as I narrated what she was looking at. Check out the moving parts, wiggle the zebra’s head or the penguin’s taggies, talking about movement, color and textures. Your continuous description keeps her engaged and stimulates her language development.

Prop up a bright, colorful book like Brown Bear Brown Bear, What do You See? and read it to her as she watches. Accordian books, like Baby Einstein’s World Around Me Oceans, are great for tummy time too because they can wrap around your baby and give her a panorama of pictures to investigate and for you to talk about.