Part of being a speech-language pathologist is looking a bit like Mary Poppins with our bags of toys and materials to excite and stimulate kids’ language. My brother actually asked me recently what I was doing to work out since my arms looked firm:) I just laughed and said I lift these heavy bags of toys every day.
Good news. I was just given a wonderful kit to review called “Come Learn With Me” by Back Country Kids, Inc. All the objects, pictures, books and reinforcers come in a light weight canvas zip up bag. You can’t believe all that it contains.
Designed for use with preschoolers with speech and language delay and disorders (up to age 5), this kit includes bags of objects by category–farm, things to ride, food, and by function. Laminated spiral books with simple backgrounds also address each category and have 66 laminated pictures to flexibly interchange on the pages, attaching with Velcro.The manual is well-organized, breaking down objectives within receptive and expressive language and cognitive skills. The ease of use makes this kit an appropriate tool to share with parents to reinforce goals that you are working on. Parents want to be involved and see what level their child is performing at.
Designed by three early childhood experts and speech-language pathologists, this kit grew out of their experience and need for materials to engage preschoolers working on language goals. Kids love the cartoon-like drawings and “ripping” off the pictures and applying them to the Velcro dots in the books. Data can easily be collected on a chart at the front of each book using dry erase pens.
For a detailed description of the kit see the website for “Come Learn With Me”.
Also for my complete review go to my Review.